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We are honored to partner with “L’Île aux enfants”, an altruistic school in the heart of Antananarivo, which breathes hope for underprivileged children thanks to the unwavering involvement of its founder, Eric Hanrion.


Classes from nursery to high


Students are learning
every day


Dedicated teachers are

Our dedication to giving back

For each order from Botiboty, 1euro is donated to support the educational and development initiatives of L’Île aux enfants.

By following us on our social networks, regularly discover moving and inspiring news directly from L’Île aux enfants. Share, like and help expand this chain of solidarity!

Professional Integration

With a guidance counselor, 12 apprentices, and regular company visits, the school offers a springboard into the
professional world.

Neighborhood Development

From water supply to the rehabilitation of footbridges, the school actively contributes to improving the living conditions of the neighborhood and feeds more than 800 children per day.

Together, let’s weave a brighter future for every child in Madagascar. Thank you for being part of this extraordinary journey with Botiboty.

Sponsor a child

Go further by directly sponsoring a child from the school. Your gesture can create a tsunami of positive changes in his life. Click here to sponsor:

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