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Eco Responsibility

Eco Responsibility

Product shipment

In order to limit the ecological impact per product, we have chosen to store and ship our items directly from France for our French customers. Our environmental commitment is also reflected in our packaging choices. Instead of using single-use blisters, often rich in plastic, we avoid individual packaging when shipping from Antananarivo. We remain on the lookout for more ecological transport solutions to adopt them as soon as they are available.

Respectful production

We use renewable resources for washing our cashmere items. The water, drawn from an underground water table, is treated in a purification plant specially designed by our garment workshop, making it environmentally friendly. To generate the steam needed for dyeing and ironing, our workshop uses wood waste from the local furniture industry as well as eucalyptus branches, a tree that grows easily and abundantly in Madagascar.

Our sustainable packaging

In France

Our shipping boxes, made in the Alps, are designed to fit our products perfectly, optimizing the parcel volume and minimizing the ecological footprint related to transport and waste. They come from FSC or PEFC certified forests and are fully recyclable. The inks we use are biodegradable, comply with the OK compost certification, and adhere to the Imprim’Vert charter.

Our cordons

Mindful of the environmental impact of plastic, we sought a natural and sustainable alternative to plastic cords. We found our answer in raphia, a sturdy and versatile plant that grows abundantly in Madagascar.

In Madagascar

The Botiboty tote bags are exclusively offered to our customers in Madagascar. They are designed to be reused many times, thus reducing the need to produce and consume single-use packaging. They symbolize our philosophy: to encourage conscious consumption and to value the longevity of products.

In France

Our shipping boxes, made in the Alps, are designed to fit our products perfectly, optimizing the parcel volume and minimizing the ecological footprint related to transport and waste. They come from FSC or PEFC certified forests and are fully recyclable. The inks we use are biodegradable, comply with the OK compost certification, and adhere to the Imprim’Vert charter.

Our cordons

Mindful of the environmental impact of plastic, we sought a natural and sustainable alternative to plastic cords. We found our answer in raphia, a sturdy and versatile plant that grows abundantly in Madagascar.

In Madagascar

The Botiboty tote bags are exclusively offered to our customers in Madagascar. They are designed to be reused many times, thus reducing the need to produce and consume single-use packaging. They symbolize our philosophy: to encourage conscious consumption and to value the longevity of products.

We prioritize aesthetic and durable packaging. The Botiboty box is designed to be kept and reused, for example as a keepsake box for your child, storing precious items such as their maternity bracelet or their Botiboty sleepers.

This box isn’t a one-time wonder; it’s a lasting companion in your journey, with a touch of magic that goes beyond the products it houses. When you unwrap your Botiboty purchase, you’re not only opening a door to exquisite style but also unlocking the potential for a keepsake box. Botiboty, where every box tells a story of elegance and endurance.

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